Friday, July 31, 2009

Today and Tomorrow (7/31 + 8/1)

Just a quick note that we will indeed have Food Not Bombs again this Saturday (i.e., tomorrow) on Campus Parkway (at the foot of the Ave), at 1pm. Hope to see a lot of people!

Also, if you have access to a bicycle, please consider coming to Critical Mass today at Westlake at 5:30pm. The Peanut Butter & Jambulance will be in attendance, stocked with a full array of PB&J sandwiches to be given away. Don't forget to bring some water!

A summary of last week's FNB at Greenlake may be forthcoming. I can't write one because I wasn't there!

Good luck!


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

Eatian on the Median

This week the intrepid food-not-bombers brought their movable feast to the median in the middle of Campus Parkway. The sun was broiling, but the grass was soft and the shade was forgiving. Our menu included pepper, mushroom, and onion stir fry with curry and Sichuan pepper, peanut sauce, and rice; corn on the cob; cherries; a completely ridiculous number of doughnuts (which we couldn't finish, though eventually some ants were kind enough to pitch in), and a strawberry-rhubarb crumble that I can only describe as exultant [see photos].

The only things we lacked were enough hungry citizens to eat all of it!

Next Saturday (the 25th), we will cook, as usual, at Sherwood at 10am. But in a continuation of the process of searching for a home for Free Food, we will make our way to Greenlake in the afternoon to eat and test the waters. Come out to cook, eat, dance, read, schmooze, swim (?!), and uh...recite! That's right, bring a book of poetry or prose that you'd like to share.

Monday, July 13, 2009

U-District Food Not Bombs rises again!

"Free food for free people!"

On Saturday July 11 the members of the U-District cell of Seattle FNB convened bright and early at 10am at the home of our good friends Sherwood Coöperative to cook a modest meal using reclaimed ingredients: potato-bell pepper scramble and banana bread. Our spectacular vegan banana bread recipe from Post Punk Kitchen was very easy to make and turned out excellent, we will definitely be using it again soon. While cooking we inventoried our dry goods stock in the pantry, check back on this page soon for some ideas for future cooking. After cooking we set up shop at 1pm on University Ave. between 50th and 47th streets, which was conveniently closed down for a street fair of sorts. We were well received and gathered some donations to be used in the future.

We intend to meet at the same time and place (10am at Sherwood) next week, Saturday July 18, for another round of cooking and serving free vegan meals for all. We have not yet decided on a regular location for serving in the U-District, please let us know if you have ideas for an accessible, relatively high-traffic location that we can begin to establish as an expected location for future Food Not Bombs actions in our neighborhood.

Please contact us at seattlefnb (at) riseup (dot) net for more information or if you have any questions!