Thursday, February 26, 2009

Time Change

Well, when I set up the poll I forgot that the Really Really Free Market starts at noon, and not 2, our usual time. So all the times on the poll should be subtracted by 2--I'm planning to start cooking at Sherwood at 8, then we'll bus down to Pratt Park at 11:30. If you already signed up and can't make the new time, don't sweat it--you're welcome any time.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


We would like to direct your attention to the poll at right--please use it to indicate your intentions relevant to the imminent FNB at the Really Really Free Market in Pratt Park this Saturday.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Food not Bacon

Feb. 21st was the second time that the Westlake FNB encountered police resistance since its October conception. Three officers informed us of the need for an ambiguous "permit" within 15 minutes of our arrival at the park. Perhaps their ill-will was in part due to the conspicuous absence of donuts from our usual spread. However, all was not lost - we had one big feast and even managed to feed a few hungry souls under the watchful eyes of our newest friends.

If anyone has information concerning the legality of serving food in a public park, please contact us! We'd like to avoid these bullies in the future, or perhaps even beat them at their own game.

- Ian

Friday, February 20, 2009


Tomorrow, Saturday, Feb. 21st. FNB is happening.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Food is Happening

We're doing the usual thing we do (except it's important as always to remember that everything is new and nothing is the same as anything before in spite of our minds' really liking to find patterns in things) tomorrow/Saturday/Feb. 14. Cooking around 10am, serving around 2:30. If interested in helping, email the email (upper right).

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Organizing Meeting, this Monday

We're having a meeting this Monday! Some of the goals are to figure out:

- How we can best make sure people know what's going on each week.
- How to reach everybody who might want to help on a given week.
- How to make it easiest for more new people to get involved.

If these topics interest you, please show up!
But there are other reasons to come to the meeting, including:
- Learning how to start participating in FNB.
- Bringing up other items to discuss.
- Curiosity.

Details: Monday, 6pm, Cafe Allegro (on the Ave, in the alley just north of 42nd street), upstairs section.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How You Can Help

Here's a pdf we made with brief descriptions of all the roles that are involved in putting on FNB each week. Almost all of them could benefit from having more people, so please let us know if you're interested. THANK YOU!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Contact Info

If you want to contact us about helping out, send an email to:

s e a t t l e f n b [ a t ] r i s e u p [ d o t ] n e t